Woman enjoying quiet hours | Blog | Greystar

How to Make the Most out of Quiet Hours

Written by Greystar
Edited by Greystar
Lifestyle October 5, 2022

Everyone has the right to quiet. A rental property is a community. Whether it is a multifamily complex or a single-family home, individuals in the community must be respectful of one another, including allowing your neighbors to enjoy their homes in peace and quiet.

What are quiet hours?
Quiet hours are set times, typically during the early morning and late night, when tenants must be particularly cognizant of their noise levels. This policy is implemented to prohibit unnecessary or excessive noise that may bother tenants who are trying to sleep. Although quiet hours are set usually during the night, all residents still have the right to quiet enjoyment throughout the day, so be respectful of your neighbors.

Why are they useful?
Quiet hours exist so each tenant can enjoy their home free of disturbances. It’s fair to say no one wants to constantly hear their neighbor’s loud music, barking dogs, screaming matches, or constant partying. Having rules for quiet hours is essential in keeping the community free of conflict. 

Quiet hours are the most effective way to eliminate confusion regarding noise as well as mitigate disputes. Specifying a specific time frame for when noisy tasks, like blending a smoothie or vacuuming your living room, can be done reduces the likelihood of disruptive activities being completed at unreasonable hours. Close quarters like apartment complexes or highly populated neighborhoods make it that much more important to implement quiet hours.

My neighbors are violating quiet hours, what should I do?
While a quiet hour policy can limit resident noise complaints, you will likely run into circumstances where different thresholds cause a dispute. If you feel as though you are repeatedly handling noise complaints, and maybe even from the same neighbor, follow these tips:

1. Ask yourself, how extreme is the violation?
2. Is it happening close the beginning or end of quiet hours?
3. Try to be understanding. 
4. Make sure to document. Keep track of dates and times when you feel as though your neighbor is causing a disturbance.
5. Talk with your neighbor. Discuss your concerns with them as they may not be aware of their noise level. A loud television or a dog barking may not register as being disruptive. 

Am I the one being loud?
Maybe it’s you with the loud music or Super Bowl party celebration cheers. If you receive a complaint, try to mitigate the issue and respect your neighbors right to reasonable quiet time. They might be trying to enjoy a relaxing bath or be nose deep in a late-night study session. Make sure to check your leasing agreement which will have your apartment’s quiet hours policy outlined and the consequences if the policy is violated.

The Golden Rule
We are all subject to enjoy our space in peace and quiet. However, this also requires you to respect your neighbors and be conscious of your possible disturbances, as you would expect them to do for you.

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