Two women shaking hands while sitting at table in front of computer

The Pros and Cons of Subletting an Apartment

Written by Greystar
Edited by Greystar
Lifestyle July 10, 2024

Have you considered subleasing your apartment but unsure if it’s the right choice? Subleasing, also known as subletting, is the common rental practice of renting out your leased apartment to another person for a portion of the lease term. Below, we’ll answer your questions and help you determine if subletting is a good decision for you and your lifestyle. 

We will cover:



What is Subleasing?

Subleasing is when you rent out your leased apartment to someone else for a determined period of time. While you’re still responsible for the lease, the new person (your subtenant) pays rent to you. There are many ways a sublease can benefit both parties, but overall, it has to do with flexibility. You may be looking to get out of your lease early without fees or penalties, while someone else may only need a place to live for a short while. 

Common Reasons People Sublease

  • Temporary job relocations
  • Extended vacations or travel
  • Study abroad programs
  • Financial challenges
  • Avoiding penalties for breaking a lease early


Woman with curly hair looking through window and pushing  back curtains


Pros of Subleasing

Flexibility for Tenants

Subleasing offers great flexibility, allowing you to move temporarily without breaking your lease. It’s perfect if you have a short-term job assignment or need to travel for personal reasons. Plus, you can return to your original apartment without the hassle of finding a new place or paying hefty lease termination fees. Subleasing is an ideal solution for handling temporary changes in your living situation.


Cost Efficiency

Subleasing can save you a lot of money. If you’re traveling and will be paying for an empty apartment back home, you may consider having a subtenant cover the rent while you’re away. This financial relief is especially helpful during temporary relocations or when facing expenses. 


Benefits for Subtenants

For subtenants, subleasing is a great way to find short-term housing without committing to a long-term lease. There are so many scenarios where individuals may find themselves needing a place to live for a few months–between leases, long-term travel and so on. Subleases often come with lower rent, and subtenants can also enjoy a fully furnished apartment, saving on moving costs. It's a convenient solution for those needing temporary accommodation in a new city or area.


Property Maintenance

If you find yourself leaving your apartment for an extended period of time, you may appreciate the reassurance of having someone there while you’re away. Keeping your place occupied prevents potential issues like property damage or vandalism. Regular occupancy also helps maintain utilities and the overall upkeep of the apartment, which is especially important for long-term absences.


Man sitting on couch in apartment and working on computer with suitcase nearby

Cons of Subleasing

Legal Implications

Subleasing can get legally tricky. Many lease agreements have strict rules about subletting, often requiring landlord approval. Be sure to look over your lease agreement and have a conversation with your landlord or property manager to avoid disputes and penalties.


Liability and Screening Subtenants

If you sublet your apartment, you are still responsible for the lease. This means any damages or missed rent payments are your responsibility. Finding a reliable subtenant is crucial;  be sure to screen carefully to avoid any complications like property damage that could leave you liable.


Potential for Lease Violations

Subtenants might unintentionally break lease rules such as having unauthorized pets, noise violations or even subletting the apartment further. You may want to draw up your own set of rules for your subtenant to ensure they fully understand and agree to the terms.  

Couple signing lease document and smiling while sitting with another woman


Tips for a Successful Subleasing Experience

Review Lease Agreement

First things first, know your lease. Understand the terms and conditions about subleasing. Being familiar with your lease agreement can help you navigate the subleasing process smoothly and avoid potential problems.


Obtain Written Permission

Always get your landlord’s written consent before subleasing. This protects you legally and ensures transparency. Documented permission prevents future disputes and gives you a clear record of the landlord’s approval.


Create a Sublease Agreement

Draft a detailed sublease agreement outlining the terms, responsibilities, and expectations. Include details about rent, duration, and property maintenance. A clear agreement helps prevent misunderstandings and serves as a reference point for both parties.


Screen Subtenants Thoroughly

Do your homework and even conduct background checks on the person subletting your apartment. Be sure to verify references as well. A thorough screening process saves you from future headaches and ensures your apartment is in good hands.


Communicate Clearly

Keep the lines of communication open with both your subtenant and landlord. Clear communication prevents misunderstandings and ensures a smooth subleasing process. Regular updates and check-ins help address any issues promptly and keep everyone informed.


Woman on the phone smiling while petting her white fluffy dog

Subleasing can be just the solution you’re looking for. By understanding the pros and cons and following best practices, you can conduct a seamless sublease.

If you’re looking for flexible leasing options, Greystar apartment complexes offer a range of options to meet your needs. Visit our website to learn more about how we can help you find the perfect place to call home.


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